Everyday science mcqs are the easy and important part of every entrance test. For getting a government and private job entrance test is necessary. So, we cover most important and repeated mcqs in this section. Everyday science multiple choice question are taken from Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Atmosphere science. These general Science mcqs are also taken from 6th class to 12th grade. These general science multiple choice questions are for the preparation of Nts, Fpsc, Ppsc, CSS, PMS, Bpsc, Kppsc, Spsc, and for other testing agencies.
Everyday Science MCQs:
Q: Twinkling of the stars due to
A) The stars do not emit light
B) There is a fluctuation in the refractive index of Earth’s atmosphere
C) Absorption of star light by Earth’s atmosphere
D) Absorption of star light by stars’ atmosphere
Q: The motor nerve carries impulses
A) From the receptors to the brain
B) From the heart to the brain
C) From the brain to the different organs
D) A pace-maker to activate the pumping of heart
Definition of Pacemaker: an artificial device for stimulating the heart muscle and regulating its contractions.
Q: When an electrical line tester is brought in contact with a live wire, a small glow is observe. The glow is due to the following
A) Xenon
B) Argon
C) Krypton
D) Neon
Q: In the manufacture of safety matches. Which materials are used to coat the two sides of the match box?
A) Red phosphorus
B) gum
C) Glass Powder
D) All of these
Q: Most abundant element in Earth’s crust is the following
A) Silicon
B) Oxygen
C) Aluminium
D) Calcium
Q: Brass is an alloy of
A) Copper and Tin
B) Copper and Zinc
C) Copper and Nickel
D) Aluminium and Magnesium
Q: Astronauts cannot talk to each other on the surface of the moon because
A) Sound waves are absorbed
B) Sound waves cannot travel through vaccum
C) There are obstructions to the sound waves
D) The temperature is high near the moon’s surface
Q: Mechanical advantage of a lever will be large if its
A) Lever arms on opposite sides of the fulcrum are equal
B) Lever arms are unequal of the fulcrum
C) Lever arm on the side of the load is longer than the other lever arm
D) Lever arm on the side of the load is shorter than the other lever arm
Q: Which instrument is used to determine the specific gravity of liquids?
A) Hygrometer
B) Hydrometer
C) Gravimeter
D) Hypsometer
Q: Convex lenses are used for the correction of
A) Long-sightedness
B) Short-sightedness
C) Cataract
D) None of these
Q: A transformer is used to
A) Increase DC voltage
B) Increase or decrease AC voltage
C) Decrease DC voltage
D) Convert DC into AC
Q: kidney stones which formed in the human body consist mostly of
A) Calcium oxalate
B) Sodium acetate
C) Magnesium sulphate
D) Calcium
Q: Most of the explosions in mines occur due to the mixing of the following
A) Hydrogen with oxygen
B) Oxygen with actylene
C) Methane with air
D) Carbon dioxide with ethane
Q: The blood glucose level is measured in which unit
A) Millimeter of Hg
B) Milligram per decilitre
C) Parts per million
D) Grammes per litre
Q: Soft drinks contain significant quantities of the following
A) Caffeine
B) Nicotine
C) Tannin
D) Renin
Q: Which one of the following does a television remote control unit use to operate a television set?
A) Light waves
B) Sound waves
C) Microwaves
D) Radio waves
Q: A small pouch containing silica gel is often found in bottles of medicine in tablet because it used for the purpose of
A) Kills bacteria
B) Kills germs and spores
C) Absorbs moisture
D) Absorbs gases
Q: Fluorescent tubes are fitted with a choke the
A) Choke coil steps up the line voltage
B) Choke coilSteps down the line voltage
C) Choke coil reduces current in the circuit
D) Choke coil chokes low frequency currents
Q: For reproducing sound a CD audio player uses a
A) Titanium needle
B) Quartz crystal
C) Laser beam
D) Barium titanate ceramic
Q: When a compact disc (CD) is seen in sunlight, rainbow like colours are seen. This can be explained on the basis of the phenomenon of the following
A) Reflection and diffraction
B) Reflection and transmission
C) Diffraction and transmission
D) Refraction, diffraction and transmission
Q: Uranium-238 nucleus splits into two identical parts, the two nuclei so produced will be
A) Radioactive
B) Stable
C) Isotopes
D) Isobars
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