World General Knowledge MCQs online test, quiz, GK multiple choice questions (MCQs) are taken from World Geography, world Organizations, Current issues and more. You can also take GK questions test, online Quizzes and submit questions answers. World GK MCQs are for the competitive exams of Nts, Fpsc, Spsc, Ppsc, Bpsc, Kppsc and for other competitive exams. GK Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (Quiz, MCQs & Practice Tests with Answer Keys), (General Knowledge MCQ Question Bank & Quick Study Guide) covers subjective tests for entry tests preparation.
General Knowledge MCQs
Q: Which country is leading in coffee production?
A) Indonesia
B) India
C) Brazil
D) Columbia
Q: More or less like coffee, fea requires warm, moist, tropical climate and grows well on hill slopes.Which of the following countries is leading in tea production?
A) India
B) China
C) Sri Lanka
D) Indonesia
Q: For which crop, black volcanic soil and tropical climate is most suitable without excess rainfall?
A) Bajra
B) Tobacco
C) Cotton
D) Jute
Q: Higher Summer temperature, stiff soil capable of supporting heavy weight of plant are essential for-
A) Rubber
B) Jute
C) Rice
D) Maize
Q: Which of the following country produce largest cotton in the world?
A) India
B) Egypt
C) China
Q: Wheat being a plant of temperate zone, grows well on plains away from sea and having moderately dry climate. World’s maximum production of wheat is obtained from the following country.
A) Australia
B) China
C) Canada
D) Russia
Q: Which country leads in production of barley among the following
A) India
B) China
C) Canada
Q: Groundnut crop is the monopoly of-
A) Indonesia
B) Bangladesh
C) Pakistan
D) India
Q: Which country is known as Island of Gloves?
A) Zanzibar
B) Indonesia
C) Kenya
D) Bahamas
Q: Which of the following country has extensive mechanized agriculture and which is the main crop produced in that country?
A) Australia – Wheat
B) Soviet Union Maize
C) USA – Wheat
D) North America – Wheat
Q: Which of the following continent leads in contribution to world’s rice production to the maximum and how much?
A) Australia (50%)
B) Africa (42%)
C) Asia (90%
D) ) Asia (72%)
Q: Tobacco which grows under a wide range of climates, is a major plantation of the following
A) Indian
B) China
D) Pakistan
Q: Which products have great commercial value in Tropical Monsoon Region?
A) Wheat and Maize
B) Wheat and Rice
C) Rice and Tea
D) Tea and Wheat
Q: For which agricultural produce, Sudan is famous and which comes under Tropical Grassland (Savanas) Region?
A) Coffee
B) Millets
C) Barley
D) Cotton
Q: Myanmar, whose chief mineral resources comprise silver (Ag), lead (Pb), and tin (Sn), is engaged in chief industrial activity of
A) Tinning black iron for food containers
B) Tinning export
C) Rice export
D) None of these
Q: Besides tobacco, tea and cotton, which is the other agricultural produce of, China?
A) Maize
B) Rice
C) Soyabean
D) Millets
Q: Which is the most important crop of the Nile delta?
A) Sugarcane
B) Maize
C) Cotton
D) Millets
Q: Which country is the largest supplier of meat?
A) Argentina
B) Pakistan
C) Iran
D) Arabia
Q: Which one is agricultural produce of Taiwan?
A) Coffee
B) Maize
C) Rice
D) Millets
Q: Of all the animal pests that attack crops, which are the most common and cause the most damage?
A) Birds
B) Insects
C) Mice
D) Rats
Q: Which of the following crops is regarded as Cash Crop’?
A) Jute
B) Cotton
C) Tea
D) All of the above
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