Diseases and debts strike suddenly but take time to go away. It is the grace of Allah Almighty, for which of His blessings should I be thankful that perhaps it is not possible to be thankful. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala protected him from financial debt to a great extent throughout his life, but as far as the debt of love of friends and lovers is concerned, it cannot be paid.
The debt of favors is more important and weightier than the debt of love, because it is my experience that the person who does you a favor, you can never repay his debt even if you do dozens of favors in return. Ihsan is done only by a person who believes in goodness, goodness, help, service and has the ability and ability to think beyond himself and his interests.
In the journey of life, I have seen many people who could have earned the reward of kindness by helping someone who was in trouble, but they became entangled in the complications of their interests, accumulation, differentiation and profit and loss.
This means that a person who always puts his own self first and prefers his own interests to everything, he is not capable of benevolence to anyone, because the ability to benevolent is given to those who have large capacity and heart, who I have the spirit of selflessness and who not only give importance to other human beings but also have the passion to serve them.
I have seen very few people in life who put the interests of others before their own interests, but in the long journey of life I have met only a few self-denying gentlemen whom I consider to be friends of Allah in the true sense because of their own self-interest. Negation is not achieved without friendship with Allah. This high status is given only to those who deserve it.
Remember the words of Hazrat Ali (Babi-e-Ilam) that the person you do good to, avoid his evil. A similar thing is also known about Allama Iqbal that his contemporary journalists were criticizing Allama’s poor personality while standing at a cigarette shop. A man standing nearby was listening to this conversation. went and told them.
Allama heard the conversation and said “I don’t remember doing any favors to them”. This revealed the secret that apart from the benefactor, the one who is being favored is also a test of his character. If the capacity is large, he will carry the burden of Ihsan’s debt throughout his life. If there was a flaw in the training, the scale of the capacity was small, the self-dominant and selfishness was ambitious and the goal was life, then such a person would never be humble and benevolent.
Even if he shows kindness temporarily, he will not accept it wholeheartedly, and if his interest ever collides with yours, he will not refrain from harming you. Sorry, the observational framework remains a blank canvas until the experience is painted. Having written so far, I am reminded of a famous writer of Pakistan. Once he was caught in a dire predicament, the consequences of which could have been disastrous for him. He came to see me, then came many times until we became friends. Then he explained his problem. I was then in a position to help them.
In the passion of love, I overstepped all bounds, even with my personal guarantee, I pulled him out of the pit of a bitter accusation. When I told him the good news that all the clouds were gone, his eyes became wet and he announced in a meeting of three gentlemen that Dr. Sahib! What I did, my future generations will not be able to forget your kindness. Circumstances turned the dice. Coincidentally we both became candidates for a position or circumstances made it so. It was meant to say that selfishness, selfishness, greed, pursuit of one’s own interests at any cost are human nature or human instincts. Actually these are not human but animal instincts.
If man cannot control these instincts, subjugate them and keep them captive, then he lives on an animal level. To be the best of creatures, it is necessary that a person should get rid of selfishness, greed, self-interest and instincts like love, envy and malice and should develop selfless love, selflessness, sacrifice and service in himself because these emotions and Qualities are the food of the soul, which increases the light of the soul, while selfishness, greed, greed and lust are the food of the self, which makes the self fat and the body “false”. We all know that the body is only with the grave, while the soul has eternity.
Our tragedy is that we live in the growth of a false thing and ignore the real thing, the eternal thing, the soul. Friends! A person who does not accept the favors of Allah’s creation and is not grateful to His servants, he is also not grateful to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. He is counted among the ungrateful. Being grateful is part of an attitude, mindset, and training.
Therefore, if possible, do good, be above the expectation of reward and reward, while doing any kind of service, do not expect the reward from the servant, but from your Creator, who will do good to you or show favor to you, for His sake. Be grateful. Above all, keep thanking your Lord who made you capable and enabled you. In this way you will become grateful servants and the truth is that grateful servants are the favorite servants of Allah. In short, gratitude is servitude and ungratefulness is servitude!!
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